Up until about a week ago, my son (who as previously mentioned is 2 yrs 7 mos) has been as close to an angel as humanly possible. He's been a real joy and help to have around. Always adorable, always polite and well...just overall great. I'm beginning to wonder if it was maybe something he ate, 'cos all of a sudden he's turned into a little "no" monster!
*SIDE NOTE* I'm currently writing this at my parent's home in Regina, where my sister just got peed on by my 9 month old daughter. All I can do is laugh...
Now where was I?? Ahhh yes...my little he-monster. All of a sudden he doesn't want hugs or kisses. He says "no" ALL THE TIME. He's stomping his feet. Yesterday we took him to the "Tot's Cafe" where they have all sorts of toys for toddlers to play with while the mothers drink coffee and he was a little monster. Pushing kids over and stealing their toys, he'd hold the door to the playhouse closed so no-one could get out of the play house. He was a little monster! I miss my angel of a 2 year old!!
So I guess I'm sending this out to all you Mom's who have lil' monsters of your own. Personally I just have to remember those times when he used to come and get kisses and hugs before bed. When he'd ask to help make cookies and pick up his toys without being dragged, kicking and screaming. When he'd skip and jump instead of stomping his feet to the tune of "no! no! no!". And I'll have to peek in his room at night more often so I can remember how innocent and peaceful his face actually is.
I pray that you all have a great weekend (as great as this cold weather can allow!) and for patience and loving hearts as we face our little monsters every day!
Friday, April 29, 2005
Terrible 2's (and 3's? and 4's??)
7:50 PM
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