The last 4 days Steve, the kids and I have been on a "stay-at-home" holiday. The original plan was to go camping, but since Steve and I couldn't bear the thought of all the prep work, we decided to just stay home and do stuff every day that's different. I would take one meal "off" a day and we'd eat out (or in). And we'd just relax and enjoy each other before school starts.
So Monday was basically a write off, 'cos Steve sleeps most of the day. The kids and I watched movies and took Gus for a walk to the park.
Tuesday we went into Edmonton. Spent a hideous amount of time at Princess Auto (note to time Steve goes by himself!), ate out for lunch, hit London Drugs, drove back home, got a babysitter, dropped the kids off and then Steve and I went back into Edmonton for a date night. We hit the much anticipated Fatburger (and wasn't disappointed!) and Death Race (note to self...Cineplex DOES NOT do cheap Tuesdays!).
Wednesday we painted our tree fort/swingset. Now that was ALOT of fun with 3 kids dying to help! The kids got to pick their colours (sorta). Matthias picked a baby blue and Callah a brick red. I picked a nice rich, chocolate brown for the dog house and toy box (and sadly my carpenter training is not visibly evident on either one). It was a very busy day.
And today Steve had court, so the kids and I ran some errands and then we went swimming. We'd never been to the pool here before, but were pleasantly surprised. There's a nice sized, separate toddler pool on one side and a good larger, main pool on the other with a slide and diving board. When we arrived there were very few people there, and 30 minutes later, they all left leaving just 2 other people and us in the whole swimming area! It was awesome! We finished off with slurpees, lasagna and donuts! What a great day!
And like I said I'm really glad we did this c'os already, looking ahead, school starts up Tuesday. Matthias has soccer Mon and Wed. Callah has dance Tuesdays and swimming Thursdays (in the morning...I LOVE that!!) and then we signed up for the library story time (have to check the date of that one). So it looks like it's going to be a busy fall.
On another note...
I went for a jog today and I did alot of thinking. As my feet were hitting the pavement and my head was throbbing with every heart beat I had the feeling that I was actually on a holiday. That I didn't actually live here. It was weird. I keep hearing it takes a good year to settle down and think of this place as home. So let's see...3 months down, 9 to go.
And then I thought of how in this line of work you move often and not always where you want to go. There's a move coming up that plans to beneficial for us and not really anybody else. So how do you be happy about it, when others are not? A woman from Red Deer would like to know if I'd like to start a Spouses support group. I'd love to be in one, but do I have what it takes to start one up?
So all in all, in case you were wondering how I'm doing. I'm doing much better, which may go to ask if I was really depressed in the first place or just on a bad day run? Whatever it was, I'm thinking (and praying) it's over. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Sincerely hope you're having a good week and we'll chat again soon.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
feeling good ramblings
7:58 PM
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