Tommorrow is my 4th Anniversary with my husband. In some ways 4 years seems like such a long time. Yet in the many (many) years to (hopefully) follow, 4 years is just a little chunk of time. We look at couples who've been married for longer than we have, some 40 years or more, some 10 or so and some only a year longer than us, and I realize there's so much we can learn from them. Nowadays the norm is to have your parents get divorced. How do we stop that? How can we as wives and mothers help change that statistic around? I'm definately not saying that I have in inkling of an answer, but I'd like to think that I have a slight idea. If we raise our kids in loving households and hold marriage and love at the highest regard in our own lives, it should show through to our kids. Then they'd strive to be like their parents when they grow up and get married.
So my husband and I decided we'd go to dinner and a movie for our anniversary. I picked the restaurant, he's picking the movie. We went to dinner last week and we're going to Batman Begins this weekend. We heard somewhere it's playing in IMAX, so we're going to Regina to check it out. That's not the only reason tho', we also heard that Great Big Sea is putting on a free concert on Canada Day. My parent's live in Regina, so that's free babysitting, the only other thing we have to worry about is our dog. We have a HUGE 85 lbs-er german shephard. My parents have 2 little Yorkie Terriers. It should be an interesting weekend! My husband and I always look back at our "many" years of marriage and see how we've grown. What we've accomplished and goals we'd still like to accomplish. That's one of the things I enjoy most. Sitting down with my hubby and doing our "year in review". I don't really know why, but I do. To anyone who reads this, what are some of your memorable anniversary dates?
Anyway, this is going nowhere fast, so I'm going to end by wishing you all a safe and happy Canada Day long weekend!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Anniversaries with Great Big Sea
1:20 PM
Monday, June 20, 2005
As a side thought, I added a link to Galaxy Cinemas. I'm a firm believe in date nights with your husband. Someone once told me to make a goal of having one every month in the least. If you and your hubby have a night set apart each week that is FABULOUS! Good for you guys, if not, try it for just one week. Pick a date a week or so in advance, mark it on your calendars and stick to it. Go for a walk, eat dinner out, go for coffee, or a movie. Choose whatever, just make sure it's just you and your man. NO KIDS!! You won't regret it!
Also, if anyone else is interested in adding their own thoughts to this page, let me know. If nothing else it'll stop me from rabbling about nothing so often. You can e-mail me at:
2:05 PM
A Spectacular Weekend
I hope you all had a good weekend! I think despite the rain, wind and clouds our weekend was overly enjoyable! Our yout group had a photo scavenger hunt down at the street fair, in the rain, on Saturday. They all had a good time and we had lots of laughs over the photos! I saw some of you out there braving the weather. I hope you all had a good time too! Then we hit the free Tom Cochrane concert over at Prime Ministers Park. Yup...that brought back alot of memories from the past. You know you're old when all these kids today have never even heard of Tom Cochrane, and you know all the words to his songs! Sheesh...that put me in my place, but it was alot of fun.
Sunday, I did my best to please my husband. I can say this knowing he'll never read it, but I STRONGLY believe that guys get PMS too. Yesterday was his day. He should've been relaxed and soaking up the attention. Instead every little thing the kids did seemed to irritate him. It was not a relaxing good day. It did seem to get a bit better about 4 p.m. when we headed out to Founder's Day on the riverbank. It wasn't so much the activities, but rather the playground at Riverside School that released some steam and some tension from his shoulders. It was good once again. We ended the day by hitting the fireworks, which are a personal favourite of mine. If there was such a thing as a firework groupie, where all they did was travel around after firework displays, I'd be there!
A busy weekend had by all. I hope your household had a good weekend. It's sunny outside now and the forecast for the rest of the week is nice and hot. I pray that you'll be able to get out and make the most of the nice weather this week! Summer is officially here!!
1:44 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Good for you!
Last night I was talking to my husband about something someone said that really rubbed me the wrong way. It was as if they were saying that being a stay-at-home mom is a second rate job. I just got the feeling that money was a high priority for this person. I think if more people put less priority on money values and more priority on family values, this world would be such a better place to live. If you choose to stay home even tho' your bank account is hurting, I applaud you! I used to wonder if I should get a part time job to help out financially a bit. So I did. I got a job at Shanannigans coffee house. The job itself was great. 4 years ago, before I was married and started having kids, it would have easily been my dream job. For some reason, I just didn't feel right tho'. So I only worked that once. I figured out that for now, my job is at home with my kids, supporting my husband. It doesn't pay much, but the rewards are priceless!! I get to nap in the afternoon and eat cookies with milk for snack! How many jobs do you know of let you do that?
Here's a little theme song that a friend of mine wrote about us Homemakers. I hope you enjoy it! Feel proud that you are a chosen few!
1:12 PM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I once had the opportunity to live off a small island between Vancouver Island and the mainland. It was great. I could walk from my house to the beach and listen to the ocean in like 2 minutes. I tried to take advantage of that everyday, 'cos I knew I wasn't going to be there for very long. I was there from September to December. Maybe b'cos it was autumn, I'm not really sure, but I hear it's like this most of the time. Rainy and cloudy and downcast. It got really depressing after awhile and I was only there for 3 months! We need sunshine for sanity sake I think! So if this recent BLAH kinda weather is getting you down, take a few minutes to mentally picture yourself sitting on a beach. Imagine the warmth of the sun beating down on your skin. Your in the warm zone. Make yourself a pina colada or iced tea with one of those little umbrella's in it. (It's kinda funny, the song "wake up to the sun" by Limblifter just came on as I'm writing this. It's a totally "sitting back and enjoying summer" kind of song. Very cool.)
Anyway, I'm sure it won't be this dreary for much longer, and if I'm wrong, call me up and I'll make you a pina colada with a little umbrella in it. We'll apply the sunscreen, sit in our beach chairs, start the little propane heater and enjoy our "summer" together. Remember misery loves company, so call a friend over. Trust me, it will make you feel better!
1:47 PM