Last Thursday I hauled my lazy, sluggish bottom out to Summit Physiotherapy to join a Learn To Run class. Once there I was quite glad to see 5 (including myself) Mom's from Mom's Morning Out. Last fall we had a session at Mom's about fitness put on by some of the staff at Summit and they put a plug in for this Learn To Run class. So, whether or not they were there b'cos of that class, I don't know, but I secretly (altho' I guess not so secret anymore) took a little pride in the fact that I, at least, would not have been in that room full of women, if it had not been for Mom's. Cool.
The class itself was alright. I think it should be interesting as the weeks go on. I'm glad I have some knowledge of breathing techniques and posture that I've oozed off of other people in the past. That's right, I used to be in peak physical form! You can't really tell by looking at me today (especially in my jazzy, new running pants I bought on the weekend - eek!!) but back in the day (over 10 years ago) I was firm in all the places I'm not now. In highschool I was on the soccer team and my french teacher was a long distance runner, so she would take us out after school for cross country runs (and I mean cross country! Those runs went FOREVER!!!) and give us pointers on breathing and posture, so that we wouldn't tire ourselves out. For some reason I can remember eating Oh Henry bars every day before I ran. Oh to be young again... Then I got interested in cycling. I'll add that I got more interested in cycling b'cos of a hot guy after I was already interested. So you can't say that I did it for a guy, b'cos I didn't. That was how I got interested in guitar (which is a completely different story). And at the height of my cycling "career" I was training with the Sask Team for the Junior Canada Games. We went to Utah and rode hills in the rain. I'd like to say it was awesome, but instead will settle for "it was an experience". As we all know, coming down was way easier than going up. Then to top off my physicality, I decided to try out for the RCMP. Passed the first written exam but when it came time to get my sight and hearing checked, having failed both and not having the $5000 to fix it, I dropped out before actually taking the Physical exam.
After that I got married and had little time (or need ha ha ha) for cycling, running or any sort of weight training. Shortly thereafter I had children and had even less time. Until now, and for some reason, I have even less time, but the "lipids" (as Steve likes to call "fat") on my belly are growing and stocking up and so I feel that something must be done and done soon. So this Thursday I will return to my running class, having done my homework (of running 3x a week) and I will feel great for it!!
At this time I'll post a picture of me standing on a hill with my hands on my hips wearing my jazzy new pants with a cape (b'cos that's cool) blowing in the wind.
But I don't have one.
Lucky for you.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
da do run run run da do run run
4:18 PM
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