(I just wanted to say that...)
In my continuing funk of doing nothing, when indeed I should be quite busy prepping the house to sale (and look I managed to waste another "nap time" on the computer) I thought I'd take this moment to briefly replay some experiences from the past week.
To put it cleanly and simply...the conjugal visit went well with Steve. I'll just leave it at that.
Then my parents, kids, dogs and I went out to my aunt's farm near Yorkton. The weather was incredibly frigid, but that didn't stop us from getting some fresh air and exercise!
And then of course there was the porcupine ordeal. On afternoon we noticed the dogs barking like crazy so we went out to investigate and sure enough, there was a porcupine cornered in an old shed. So my Dad and I carried over an old wooden box and blocked the door, thinking the dogs couldn't get in. We had no idea dogs could be so stupid or stubborn. The next morning we could hear the dogs barking again and then noticed one of them running thru the snow brushing his face against the ground. "Dad, I bet you that stupid dog got into the porcupine again". Sure enough 2 of the 3 dogs got quilled. Kino (my parent's stupid dog) got maybe 5 quills in his snout. Gus (my stupid dog) got the brunt of it...a good 20 or so in her snout and mouth. It took 3 of us (2 to hold down her body and one to hold her head and pull them out) to get those quills out. It looked like someone had been seriously attacked there was so much blood on the ground! Not only was she quilled, but her paw was bleeding as well 'cos she had clawed a hole in the corner of the old wood shed to get to the porcupine! So then my Dad and I went out there again and put another wood crate against one wall and a steel grate propped up against the other. Needless to say the dogs didn't go near there again.
The remainder of the week we spent back in Regina. The weather turned nice and we were able to go outside and actually enjoy being outside. The kids and I went to a great park (if you're ever in the area it's called the Rick Hansen Park on McCarthy Blvd. It's great in the summer, has water fountains and everything). We were there for maybe 30 minutes when I'm pushing the kids on the swing and Callah asks to "go crazy" (where I push her with a bit of a twist and the swing goes a little "crazy"). So I did. She laughed, I laughed we were all having a great time. Then all of a sudden she lets go of the swing, her legs fly up and wrap around the chains and she "sweeps" the ice and snow with her face twice. She immediately drops and starts screaming. Blood is coming out of her nose and mouth. She's scratched up a line on her face from her chin to her forehead. I almost laughed. It was really amazing. Needless to say we packed up and headed back to my parents.
The rest of the week went off without a hitch and we had a really great weekend. Steve was able to come home for a weekend and "babysit" the kids so I could get out to our church Ladies Retreat. All in all a good time, good food (I gained like 3 lbs...booh urns!!) and great company.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
2:31 PM
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