I know it's still a couple of days away, but for us, it starts today. The mother-in-law is coming today and she's staying overnight. Which should be ...well....all sorts of things, but I'm trying to be nice here, so I won't say anything bad...good(?). She's leaving tomorrow, then we leave to go to my parent's home down in Regina. I know what you're thinking. Steve thinks the same about his in-laws. No, not really. I honestly believe that he gets along with everyone in my family. He has had a few tiffs with my Mom, but they've talked about it and worked it out. His family on the other hand...well, I don't want to get into it right now. Happy remember? So we'll go to Regina for a few days and then come home, carrying all our goodies that we've collected. 2 days break then it's the New Year! More food and drink. Thank goodness I got that gym membership!
So as I pause and think about the anger and impatience I felt yesterday, while out doing some last minute Christmas shopping, I think of all of you and pray that you will not honk at too many cars as they cut you off for that parking spot you've been waiting for for 15 minutes. Or you will not loose patience with your kids as they knock off another whole bucketfull of pine needles from your Christmas tree. And you will not flip out at the person in the checkout line in front of you who can't decide whether or not to buy the blue or green fuzzy knit sweater. I pray that you will remember what Christmas is all about. The birth of Christ. Hope you have a blessed Christmas with loved ones. Stay safe and happy this holiday season!
Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Merry Christmas
1:38 PM
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