That' s gotta be one of my favourite holiday cd's. My previous favourite was a Sarah Mclachlan holiday cd, but it was tragically stolen and I've yet to replace it. And of course there's my John Denver and the Muppets Christmas cd, which funny enough, has been left behind 2x during previous cd klepto moments. So now it's inevitable. The snow has fallen, the temperature has dipped to the mid 20's and everywhere you look in stores, there's signs of Christmas. I love Christmas, there's something magical about it. Maybe it's the eternal kid in me that waits every year for the glow of the lights on the tree. It reminds me of my Mother's home. Warm, inviting, loving. We're heading there this Christmas. Good ol' Regina. I can't wait.
This morning at Mom's we had the Marriage Uncensored video and they were talking about honesty in marriage. Yikes. It struck a chord with me, not that Steve and I aren't honest. Sometimes I think we're too honest, that's the problem. Some of the questions raised (that you can ask yourself and if you dare...your mate!) were:
1) What are some areas in which you find it difficult to be honest with your mate?
2) Is there ever a time when too much honesty is harmful?
3) No one likes to be lied to, so why then do we hide things from our mate?
The video summary tips were: Build a culture of trust (right from the get go. They had a stat that said that 80% of 2nd marriages end in divorce, so if you're having trouble with the 1st, the 2nd will likely have the same problems...i.e. solve them the first time). Admit your failures/frustrations sooner. Cleanup the past. Be willing to forgive and extend patience. Don't be satisfied with shallowness. Authentic living leads to genuine love.
I can honestly say that I thought this video series was kinda lame, but today's episode caught my attention. Perhaps I'll pay more attention next time!
I still think it's amazing what kids pick up from people and TV. My children are suppossed to be sleeping, I have the monitor on in their room and all I hear are farting noises followed by laughter. They're 3 and 1!! The other day Callah was reading herself a book and everytime she came to a picture of a puppy, she'd make a kissy mouth and go "woof woof woof". It was so cute.
Well on this first night of many colder nights to come, I pray that you and your family are warm and safe. G'nite!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Barenaked for the Holidays
8:39 PM
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